"what a great list , i think the genre of the movie originaly was good but they just change it to something stupid! :D great list"
"i think you should add my so called life but great list"
"jensen ackles was such a cute baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and kid and all of it!"
"1. Thirty Seconds to Mars 2. Rihanna 3. The Killers 4. The Ramones 5. Pink 6. Bon Jovi 7. Justin Timberlake 8. Feeder 9. Bruno Mars 10. Shakira"
"THIS IS AN AMAZING LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD !!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH! I LOVE HIM !!!!! AAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT, HIM AND THIS AAAAH! haha stalkery."
"crap list the only good people are claire danes, rihanna and pink sorry"
"i agree with paulo reberto , jared leto played mark chapman in chapter 27 , amaaaaaaaaaaazingly. and i think they looked alike? :D"
"1. Shakira 2. Rihanna 3. Megan Fox 4. Kate Beckinsale -------------------"
"i have a question... how do you make lists?"
"WHY 500 DAYS OF SUMMER !!!? ellesha you trader. good list , DONNIE DARKO "
"wheres jared leto , im very dissapointed. but greeeeeeeeat list :D"
"ive seen basically all of these , they are alright i guess :) you should put up urban legend the first one , cause jared letos in it ;)"